Hint: You find free piano sheet music as PDF samples in the middle section of this article
Piano lessons get more and more exciting each day. In the first few weeks, you get to learn about finger numbers, two black keys, and note naming. Then on the next ones, you learn about reading notes, circling rhythms, hand coordination, some good techniques, and other music stuff, depending on your weekly progress and your teacher’s lesson plan as it gets more and more complex as weeks go by.
Now, it’s at this time that you get excited to play a song with sheet music through sight-reading. But first of all, why is it so important to learn how to read music and practice sight-reading?
Related: Are you seeking piano books for beginners containing multiple sheet music pages? I wrote this article about piano music books beginners.
Photo by Josh Goddard from Unsplash
Studying music is just like studying in school. When you learn by ear and memorization—well, you might do it well during the early stages, but it will have some downsides in the long run. Your progress and growth will be limited, which we wouldn’t want to happen. Think of it this way, when you prepare for school just by listening to your teacher, you might do well during recitations and oral exams.
However, when it comes to written exams, reports, and plays, you will have no idea what to do because you don’t know how to read. Reading in school is a very crucial part of not just being a student, but also of growing up because all things we discover and learn further will start with reading. It’s the same with music.
Music is not just about memorizing, but also about comprehending and digesting the music so you can play it better and in a way that it ought to be played (of course with your own flair and interpretation). Through being able to read music and sight-read, you’ll be able to grow, get deeper knowledge, and go far in comprehending and digesting music with increasing complexity as you continue your journey as a pianist.
Now that you know the importance of sight-reading, let’s now proceed to our main course—the Beginners piano sheet music PDF.
When it comes to sheet music for beginners, especially for children, there are five things that we need to consider:
Repeating notes will make the process enjoyable and easier for children. With enough practice, easy and repeating notes will allow them and their fingers to memorize the feeling of the keys faster—to the point that they can focus on sight-reading alone because they don’t need to look down at the piano anymore to make sure they’re pressing the right keys. And before they know it, they’ll be able to play the piece with their eyes closed.
Children love to play songs that they find fun and interesting. By having the right sheet music arrangements of their favorite songs, they will turn all their attention to learning it with eagerness in the excitement of being able to play it sooner. This will keep them from being bored and distracted since the song that they’re learning is really one of the songs that they like to play.
When in the beginner stage, it’ll be complicated for children to press two or more notes altogether. This is why it’s ideal for the sheet music arrangement to have a simple harmony, so children can start at an easy level first, and just increase the level of difficulty as they continue learning about techniques, concentration, and hand coordination.
Simplified sheet music arrangements, often having one note at a time, prevents beginners to be overwhelmed by the presence of numerous notes, especially if it’s their first experience with sheet music. One note at a time allows them to take a slow but sure step-by-step process. This is a great start for beginners since they get to start somewhere within reach. As they learn more techniques, they’ll be able to expand their control and hand coordination, which will allow them to press two or more keys at the same time.
Each syllable plays a note in the sheet music. Fun lyrics help in making them remember and memorize the notes faster. The more silly and fun the lyrics are, the more the children will find it enjoyable and fun to learn.
We know that playing the piano is exciting and fun! This is why with the help of these 5 things, we included some links to the best free piano sheet music arrangements that you can download, print, and use to improve your piano playing skills. If you’re interested, click the link to download the pdf file.
If you’re a beginner who’s not yet confident with your music notation recognizing skills, don’t worry! We got your back. Here are piano sheet music arrangements with labeled notes and finger numbers that can help you master it as you sight-read.
Note: You can change to sheet music arrangements with pure notations once you feel confident enough. There’s no need to rush. Slowly but surely is better than unclean and messy performance. Just a little more practice, and you’ll get there soon enough. Keep striving!
Even though beginners, adults tend to learn and understand complicated things faster. This is why we have prepared different genres of beginner piano sheet music arrangements for you. It’s important to play what seems to be in your best interest so you’ll be inspired, motivated, and have fun learning and playing it. Classical? Jazz? Pop Music? Name it. We have it all for you. The process will be challenging, but with these interesting songs, you’ll do just fine!
If you’re self-studying or maybe you want to study advanced lessons at home ahead of your piano lessons, you need a good book—or in this case, a beginning piano PDF to help you out. It doesn’t matter if you’re self-studying, or if you already have some piano lessons, or maybe you’re reading this article and now want to start from scratch, because learning is for everyone!
These piano for beginners PDF files will provide you with a great foundation in learning to play the piano. You can choose one PDF file from this list that will serve as your main coursebook, and choose another two as your supplementary books.
We understand that learning to play with sheet music can be challenging, especially during the first time. There might be times when you’ll wonder why the way you play sounds different from others or something doesn’t feel right. To further help you in your piano journey, here are some tips and exercises for you!
Are you a beginner who wants to learn how to coordinate hands faster? There may be a song that you want to play where you have to use both hands, but you find it hard to perform with both. Well, why don’t you try this challenge?
The Punch-Swipe Challenge is an exercise where you can enhance your hands’ coordination. In here, you’ll need both your hands and your thighs. With your left hand on your left thigh, do a light punching motion (lightly, okay? Don’t hurt yourself!). Then with your right hand on your right thigh, do a swiping motion. After 5 sets, swap them. Let the left hand do the swiping, and the right hand do the light punch.
Now, you might find your hands doing the same thing—it can be both your hands swiping, or both doing the punching, but don’t worry! That’s totally fine. Keep doing it a few more times and you’ll get used to it. This will help you enhance your hand coordination, and will allow you to play piano with both hands sooner!
When pressing keys, you need to focus on creating the same volume, and make sure that all notes sound even. You can do this by strengthening your control on your ring and pinky finger since they’re what we call the weaker fingers. Whenever you use them, especially during the early stages, you’ll notice that your ring and pinky finger are the ones that tend to press keys lighter. You might want to focus on working that out. When the notes are all in the same volume, your performance will turn out better than you imagine.
Sometimes, we get too excited to finally play the piece that we’ve studied for the past days or weeks, and that’s alright. However, even though excitement is a good thing in keeping you motivated, it could also affect your performance. Make sure you keep track of your rhythm and tempo—is your timing right? Is the sound you’re making too hasty? Too soft? Does it match with the piece you’re playing? When these things aren’t monitored, the notes will be executed at the same time and could result in a messy performance.
Do you know what’s common in all remarkable concert pianists? Their fingers stay grounded when they’re playing. This allows them to have good technique and perform at their best. When you’re playing, you might feel your fingers wanting to come up—don’t let it happen. Control your fingers and keep them grounded. Make sure that your pinky is down and in control when your thumb is pressing, and vice versa. Keeping your fingers low and in control. This will allow you to play with a good technique just like how those amazing concert pianists do!
A little more faith in yourself, and you’ll do great! Studying your chosen sheet music five minutes or more per day is the ideal routine that can help speed up your progress. Since you’ve stayed until the end, here’s a bonus quote for you.
“Even the greatest was once a beginner. Don’t be afraid to take that first step.” – Muhammad Ali
We look forward to seeing you grow deeper as a pianist in each lesson you study! We believe in you, so you got to believe in yourself too. You can do this. Aja!
I started Music4Kids with a simple goal in mind: To provide valuable information to guiding parents who want to raise musically inclined kids.
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