Are there easy-to-play musical instruments? Learning to play a musical instrument is not an easy thing. No matter what instrument you choose to learn to play music, becoming proficient at playing a musical instrument takes time, patience, practice, and commitment.
It is also very comforting on a personal level to see your skills expanded in an activity with which you can improve the quality of life of others. There is no better feeling than having managed to learn a part, play with friends or write a complete song. Music heals, gives meaning and emotion to life.
So if you want to start playing an instrument, or if you are looking for a child to start playing a musical instrument, you may be wondering: what is the easiest way to achieve it? The first thing we must be clear about is how to choose a musical instrument.
Choosing the right musical instrument is important because if you don’t feel comfortable with the instrument, chances are you won’t have the motivation to practice. Your instrument should be something you want to learn to play. When choosing an instrument, you should keep a couple of things in mind:
If your goal is to have musical accompaniment while you sing, and perhaps even sing in public, learning to play the drums may not be the best option. Instruments like the ukulele, guitar, or keyboards might work better for you.
On the other hand, if your intention is to start a band, you have many more options: Drums, harmonicas, percussion instruments If you are part of a group, you can contribute in many ways. Make sure your instrument is compatible with your goals and wishes.
If you don’t like bluegrass, the banjo is definitely not for you. Imagine that you make the effort to enroll in learning to play an instrument and that the songs that you like and that motivate you the most do not have the instrument that you are learning. Definitely, it can become very depressing.
Although, although there can always be arrangements or versions, obviously if you are learning a rhythmic instrument you will hardly be able to play a melody. Choose an instrument that makes you feel excited just thinking about playing it.
It is highly recommended to seek out a teacher or tutor when you are starting out. While you are mastering your instrument, you could acquire new learning through the internet, from your friends or at your own risk. This last option poses the inconvenience of picking up bad technical habits.
Also, having someone to guide you in your first steps is essential. Try to find a private music teacher who is well suited to the instrument you want to play.
This means that you must also adapt the instrument to the availability of your teacher; It will not be easy to find a teacher to learn to play unusual instruments (Hindu tabla, didgeridoo), but it will be quick to find teachers for instruments with greater coverage such as guitar or drums.
Can you make noise? You live with someone? Your neighbors can’t stand the noise and have bad fleas?
There are musical instruments that are more outrageous than others. Most percussion instruments, for example, are noisy and even annoying to everyone but you. Although there are other instruments that are quieter. There are even instruments that can be played with headphones on, thus eliminating noise that could disturb others.
You have to take into consideration the suitability of the different types of musical instruments that you could start playing, studying and practicing at home or not.
Most musical instruments are inexpensive when you’re starting out because virtually every instrument and accessory manufacturer has affordable low-end ranges for students and hobbyists. Beginner instruments are not hard to find and the market is full of good quality beginner instruments or even, it is advisable to buy a second hand instrument that is of quality and in good condition.
However, there are musical instruments that are inherently more expensive than others. Drums and guitars tend to be expensive, and if you plan to go into keyboards you could end up spending quite a bit of money. Ukuleles on the other hand are very affordable. And they remain accessible even when you change it for other more advanced models.
The range of existing musical instruments is vast, being able to be bizarre in their shape (such as tubas) or quite comfortable (such as harmonicas). If you can’t carry something long and heavy, you should consider that before purchasing an instrument. The same is true if you have trouble breathing. In this case, for example, wind instruments will not be good for you.
On the other hand, if you have amputated limbs, such as fingers, you may have difficulty playing the guitar. Try to choose something that doesn’t just cause you frustration.
By the way, THERE ARE NO LIMITATIONS. There are cases of people who do not have arms and yet play the piano or the drums that you can find online. In any case, the choice is up to you.
Now that we have clarified some preliminary doubts, we can proceed to the specific instruments. When you are a child, learning to play an instrument can seem like the most complicated thing in the world. Your brain at that moment is moldable and the world is your stage.
In a way, there is no musical instrument that is the easiest to learn to play, but there are always options to choose from based on the child’s interests and needs. For example, learning to play guitar when you are less than 10 or 12 years old is not recommended. The reason for this is that playing the guitar from a very young age with such small fingers is not fun at all. In this sense we present a series of interesting musical instruments for children to learn to play.
Ukuleles are cheap and fun to play. They are one of the easiest string instruments to master. The size makes it easy for both children and adults to hold. It has only four strings and they are closer together compared to guitar strings.
In addition, the strings are made of nylon, which makes them much easier to press when you want to obtain a specific tone. When you are starting to play the ukulele, you can choose a couple of chords and play a lot of songs.
The more you practice on the ukulele, the more you will want to learn. Luckily, you can find excellent quality ukuleles for around 40/, which is considerably cheaper than other quality instruments. Similarly, they project a good sound without being noisy and are easy to move.
That said, when you have your ukulele you will surely be encouraged to play easy-to-play summer songs.
Many children take piano lessons. It is almost a cliché in certain families. The piano appears to be complicated, but it is excellent for those who want to learn to play music.
All the notes are positioned in a logical way and they all face you. It is also not difficult to obtain a good sound from the piano, since it does not require frequent tuning (note that the piano does tune) as it happens with guitars or violins, nor does it have mouthpieces, as in the case of violins. trumpets or saxophones.
On the other hand, the piano will help you learn to read music in both keys, as well as providing you with important music reading skills. Once you’ve started learning about music theory, learning to play the piano makes things a lot easier for you. It’s much easier to understand how notes and chords work together when you see them emerging from a piano.
Finally, thanks to the popularity of the instrument, it is possible to find cheap keyboards and also good piano teachers. In the same way, you will not have difficulties to find didactic material.
The battery might be a strange option for a child, but it is a good option to start with. Rhythm and timing are two of the most difficult things to teach. If you learn to play the drums, you will have a perfect sense of rhythm.
Many multi-instrumentalists learn to play the drums before anything else, because learning to play the drums at adult ages becomes more complicated. Playing the drums from an early age teaches you motor independence while gaining strength in the joints, which makes it easier to learn to play other instruments. When you move a musician who knows how to play drums well to another instrument, they tend to have a natural play especially when it comes to playing with other people.
Playing drums with other musicians teaches you a lot about how a bass player plays, what goes together with the drums making up the rhythmic foundation of modern music. A good drummer is a good listener, so learning harmony will also be easy for them. The more interested a drummer is in learning more about the drums, the more interested they will be in learning about the music that surrounds them.
Of course, the batteries are expensive and above all, noisy. Keep this in mind if you are thinking of buying it for a child or your child.
The violin seems to be an odd option on this list, and it’s true that violins are difficult to play. In fact, they are one of the most difficult instruments to master. Getting to the right pitch on a violin is a process. Looking at it from the positive side, this allows you to be in constant growth and development as a musician. That goal teaches children the importance of musical skills. Learning to play a violin in certain specific keys requires you to fine-tune your hearing.
Also, learning to play a violin properly helps you develop independence and flexibility in your fingers. Similarly, learning to play the violin teaches children to read music. It also teaches them to play in groups. Most beginner violin lessons are in groups.
The violin is also a typical musical instrument of multi-instrumentalists. Learning to play this instrument can put the little ones at a great advantage.
At adult ages, learning to play an instrument comes with different advantages and challenges. One of the main difficulties is the lack of time; it is very complicated, if not impossible (with few exceptions) for an adult to have enough time available to dedicate himself to a rigorous practice.
However, adults have a higher motivation and level of independence, so if you have a desire to learn how to do something, you can do it. Here are some of the easy-to-learn instruments for adult beginners in the world of music:
This is a perfect instrument for anyone who has never held any other musical instrument in their hands. It is excellent for both adults and children. The strings, the price, and the ease with which you can learn the chords make it a very attractive option.
One of the best parts is that you can find a lot of educational material about it on the internet, so you can learn on your own. You can do it by watching tutorials on Youtube.
As you can imagine, the piano is not an instrument that is really easy to learn to play, but it is not that complicated to learn the chords either. The piano is an instrument that becomes intuitive for the vast majority of those who are learning due to its visual organization. The chords are transferable (C chord is similar to playing F or G) and it’s not hard to get a good note.
The piano is a very complicated instrument to fully master. Professional piano musicians started at a very young age and have many years of study and harsh discipline possibly at the conservatory, that’s nothing.
However, a motivated and eager to learn adult can pick up the pace fast. One recommendation would be to hire a private piano teacher who is good even though you are an adult. It is important to develop and maintain good habits and techniques from the beginning.
If what you are planning is to play with friends, these could be a good option. It is not easy to learn to play percussion instruments playing bongos, drums or drums for a whole song is complicated. But it is fun and satisfying to learn. There are also many online resources that can help you in your musical learning process.
Learning to play the drums as an adult may also become necessary. Many people claim that playing bongos serves to eliminate stress, since it requires a lot of physical activity.
Learning to play the bass as it is relatively easy to follow the bass line in any song and there is usually only one line (while with guitar there are always several different parts) so it can be fun to learn by listening.
In addition, it is also satisfying to play the bass in company. Of course, it is not easy to become a good musician with the bass. Mainly because connecting with the drummer is a skill that develops over time.
However, it is a fun instrument and is less intimidating than the guitar is to many.
Last but not least: The guitar. The last one is found because there is no easy way to learn to play guitar. You really have to want to learn to play it. Once you start learning the guitar, your fingers are going to hurt, nothing you play is going to sound good, and you’re going to find that it’s going to take a hell of a lot more effort to be able to play like a professional or at least the best. thing sounds like you want.
Despite that, it’s great to play. When people talk about playing instruments, the one that usually comes to mind is the guitar. There is a diversity of quality cheap guitars, and there are also many professional teachers and a huge amount of educational resources (free and paid) to learn to play guitar online.
If you want to learn to play guitar, just do it. But keep in mind that the beginning is not going to be a walk. Although little by little things are going to get less heavy.
I started Music4Kids with a simple goal in mind: To provide valuable information to guiding parents who want to raise musically inclined kids.
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