Digital Piano vs Acoustic Piano

Acoustic vs Digital Piano

Short Comparison between Acoustic and Digital Pianos

One question many parents have:  Digital piano vs acoustic piano. Which one to choose? This is a short write-up on helping you to make a better decision.

  1. Digital Pianos

    Digital Piano Yamaha P45

    Image credit: Yamaha

    1. Pros

      1. Easy to move
      2. Space-saver
      3. Comes with a headphone jack
      4. Features multiple sounds
      5. No tuning needed
      6. Comes with built-in music lessons
      7. Inexpensive
    2. Cons

      1. Needs power
      2. Inferior sound quality
      3. Weighted keys are expensive
  2. Acoustic Pianos

    Yamaha U3 Acoustic Piano

    Photo courtesy of Yamaha

    1. Pros

      1. Natural hammer action keys
      2. Contains the standard 88 keys
      3. Sounds beautifully
      4. Makes a good decorative piece in any home
    2. Cons

      1. Doesn’t have a headphone jack
      2. Takes up a lot of space
      3. Challenging to transfer locations
      4. Needs regular maintenance and tuning

My Recommendation

If you are on a budget, purchasing a digital piano is the more practical route.

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